пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.

free Get Healthy! Hypnosis torrent download

Get Healthy! Hypnosis

Health & Fitness

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You are ill and want to feel well again? You have pain and want to relieve from it? You are sickly and want to boost your immune system? Then try out „Get Healthy!“ today!

„Get Healthy! Self-Healing by Hypnosis!“ is a powerful tool for your personal change and empowerment. The hypnotic and relaxation techniques within this program help you best to reach your personal goal of a healthy and active life!

Activate your inner doctor with the unique health hypnosis programm "Get Healthy! Self-Healing by hypnosis!”

* Feel healthy and fit!

* Activate resilience and self-healing forces!

* Get free of pain!


Feedbacks from Users

“I must say I was skeptical about hypnosis apps - but these apps are really good! Although the apps don’t replace a real therapy, they are really great for relaxation and to “recharge your batteries”!”

“This Hypnosis program is excellent! Kim Fleckensteins voice is very pleasant. I love it!”



Illnesses, operations, (chronic) pain or stress rob our energy and power. In the long term negative thoughts and bad feelings harm our health, quality and joy of life.

But fortunately all the resources we need for a healthy, active and happy life are allocated by our mind and body. Through hypnosis techniques you will get access to them and recall them from your subconscious mind.

By listen ling to Kim Fleckensteins hypnosis program "Get Healthy! Self-Healing by Hypnosis!" you will learn and internalize new, positive beliefs that are crucial for a healthy life. This self-help program brings you in touch with your inner doctor and helps you to activate your self-healing powers.


„Get Healthy!“ was designed by well-known German Hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is a certified alternative practitioner in psychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she already published a range of best-selling self-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s under the label GET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experiences have helped to create the special character and heart of her recordings. Together with professional and native speaker Cathy Weber she also publishes her programs in English.


* A highly effective 33-Minute professional Hypnosis session using the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques – suitable for both, beginners and more experienced users.

* The professional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads you into a deep state of relaxation and change.

* A high quality and state of the art recording.

* Professionally composed background music for every program by CSW Music.

* Customize your settings and discover other useful features.


Do not listen to this program while operating a motor vehicle or during any other activity that requires your full attention. This program does not replace a doctor or any other medical aids. The best effect can be achieved by listening to this program once a day over a period of 4 weeks.



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The film is based on Alan Glynn novel of the same name was released in 2002. Renowned screenwriter Leslie Dixon wrote the adaptation of Neil Burger, The Illusionist and The Lucky Ones coming to conduct. Dixon apparently took less than their usual salary, which you the script in exchange for more control over the project download Get Healthy! Hypnosis apk . I hope this is a good sign, although their earlier films can not say much about any control they had.

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