вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

download Analog Interval Stopwatch Pro for free

Analog Interval Stopwatch Pro

Health & Fitness

Download .apk

Extended version of Analog Interval Stopwatch

Differences between the basic and extended version:

• The night mode.

• This version no contains advertisements

• Possibility to extend lap row to four lines

• Additional lap rows features

- delta to the average

- delta to median

You can use simple stopwatch/timer mode as well as complex workout stopwatch. It is helpful for many endurance sport disciplines such as running, biking, tabata, HIIT, weight control, and any interval training.

The analog view is convenient for fitness, the gym and CrossFit. Also good for cooking, and a simple housework - when you need timer or stopwatch.


• Large analog view , main stopwatch and three additional clock faces

• Background work

• Work in hold mode

• Wakes phone if necessary

• Timer countdown/normal mode - for post-workout meal (cooking etc.)

• Workout Stopwatch

• Interval Stopwatch with ANALOG VIEW

• Lap times - each mode

• Programmable Interface

• For each part of complex training user can separately choose countdown/count up time measure

• Separate lap list for each mode

• Simple workout statistics

• Laps chart

• Send laps data by mail

Download .apk

Did you see it coming! The Risky Biz Blog reports today that Jon Favreau has officially Cowboys and Aliens directing directing gig to play Iron Man 2 with Robert Downey Jr. To the top. Sounds like Iron Man in the Old West! Cowboys and Aliens is an adaptation of Platinum Comics graphic novel Analog Interval Stopwatch Pro apk free download . Meet again, of the screenplay was co-written by Iron Man writers Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby. Then Star Trek writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci took over and have been rewriting it with Lost producer Damon Lindelof. Now DreamWorks is preparing the project for a summer 2011 debut.

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