понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.

download X-Rays and Body Scans 1.0.1 for free

X-Rays and Body Scans


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Incredible images of inside the human body. X-rays, MRI scans and CAT scans that reveal diseases, fractures, breaks and other serious medical conditions.

Quick reference tool for medical professionals and those with an interest in medicine.

See what we all look like beneath the skin. Learn how to recognize a large amount of medical conditions which can be identified by medical imaging.

Highlighted medical conditions including: cancerous tumors, brain hemorrhage, problem wisdom teeth, broken metacarpal bone, curved spin, kneecap with torn tendon, fractured skulls, dislocated toe, broken finger, ruptured tendon, crushed vertebrae, hippocampus, implants, growths, carpal boss, fungal infections, pneumonia, abscess, Alzheimer's and many many more.

Icon credit: Magnera at flickr

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The MP3 Music Awards is an annual award established in 2007 to celebrate and award the most popular artists and bands as well as the best mp3 player and MP3 retailers in today's world of music download X-Rays and Body Scans 1.0.1 apk free . MMA act as a major industry catalyst, creating the conditions for a variety of artists / bands and audience inspire while designing memorable and unforgettable experiences. MP3 Music Awards works with industry-leading individuals, sponsors and media partners in the UK and overseas. Now heads the awards in its 6th MMA year is now firmly established as a key event for the industry calendar and has a past guest list that industry industry celebrities and top media executives.

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