пятница, 1 августа 2014 г.

download ECC SMS free android app



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compatible up to Android 4.1.

Made for encryption lovers!

with Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

- totally over sms

- public-key infrastructure (PKI)

- Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES)

- equals >15360bit RSA Encryption!

- protects efficiently until year 2120

This means that after 2120 there may be enought computational power on earth to find the private key for decrypting the messages in a useful time.

Key sharing works like in PGP SMS.

Because of the strong ecryption, it needs at least 2 sms for a single conversation.

Anti Prism SMS.

Attention: Currently some cyanogenmod nightlies have an error while sending multipart sms messages.

Download .apk

Josh Trank Confirmed for 'Fantastic Four'+ David Slade Off 'Daredevil'Good and bad news for fans of the upcoming Marvel comic book heroes franchise reboots during the official kick-off of Comic-Con has cut download ECC SMS 1.13 free android app . First as as long ago, Chronicle director Josh Trank takes his talents behind the camera of superpowered action and drama to an official comic book franchise by. The head of 20th Century Fox reboot Fantastic Four The film is an entirely new cast and is the next comic film for the studio was due to the Wolverine that says just thrown The Silver Samurai and deadline, it will be the potion next slide. But that's not the whole Marvel news from Fox.

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