пятница, 1 августа 2014 г.

download PGP KeyRing 1.6.8 for free

PGP KeyRing


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Manage your Web of Trust!

Which key rings have you certified, and which key owners have vouched for the key rings you currently hold? What trust have you accorded to them, and what relevance does it have?

Decide for yourself.

* Create, certify, revoke, and delete key rings

* Encrypt, sign, and decrypt files and text messages

* Add/Remove key servers

* Search, Import, and Export to key servers

* Add user IDs and subkeys

* Revoke key rings, subkeys and certifications

* Change key expiration

* Create, add, and verify floating signature files

* Assign nicknames to key owners

* Assign trust to key owners

* Set your own policy for key validation

* Navigate your Web of Trust

* Remembers password of most recently used encrypting/decrypting key for 5 minutes

* Import key rings from File, Key Server, or Bluetooth

* Export key rings to File, Key Server, Mail, or Bluetooth

* Integrates seamlessly with the Squeaky Mail email client

With PGP KeyRing for Android, you can easily certify and exchange key rings and continually expand your Web of Trust.

PGP KeyRing conducts strict tests on the contents of the key rings you import. All assertions - user ids and email addresses, subkeys, certifications, and revocations - are thoroughly verified. Are the digital signatures backing these claims valid? If the answer is "no" for any portion of a key ring you attempt to import, it is rejected in its entirety. You can therefore be sure that any key ring accepted into PGP KeyRing was not tampered with en route to you and is perfectly genuine.

For this reason, third party certifications (for example, by your friends) will only be recognized if the certifier's public certificate has also been imported. Access to the certifier's public key the only way PGP KeyRing can be sure the certification is actually genuine.

Master keys are not considered valid for encryption or signing files in PGP KeyRing. Only subkeys can do that. If your key ring contains a single key (the master), you will only be able to use it to certify third parties. Similarly, El Gamal subkeys cannot be used for signing files, only encrypting them. You always have the option to add an RSA subkey.

PGP KeyRing works with HKP key servers. This is why you can add them freely. However, some confusion might arise as to which key servers are actually implementing HKP. Just because there is a web front-end does not mean the key server is also an HKP key server! In general, HKP key servers are available on port 11371. More information should be available on the web.

PGP KeyRing can be used seamlessly by Squeaky Mail to send and receive encrypted messages. No manual jumping between apps required. Squeaky Mail is based entirely on the popular, open source email client K-9 Mail.

Recently, RSA Security (the company) issued an alert that keys issued by many of its tools have a weakness that allows them to be more easily guessed. However, the company RSA Security is not the same as RSA the algorithm! PGP KeyRing does not suffer from the weakness described by RSA Security. Keys generated using the RSA algorithm as still (as far as we know) safe.

The RSA Security weakness involves the generation of a "random number". RSA Security's tools were defaulting to a PRNG (pseudo random number generator) algorithm that may have been maliciously introduced by the NSA to weaken the keys and key rings for which they formed the basis.

PGP KeyRing uses the default Java PRNG, which is based on SHA1.

PGP KeyRing includes a fix for the Android security vulnerability that until recently affected Bitcoin Wallet.

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