воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

download PrimeScapes Landscape Icons for free

PrimeScapes Landscape Icons


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Have requests? Fill out the form here: http://bit.ly/IconRequests

Also, have an awesome homescreen that you made with PrimeScapes? I'd love to add it to the screenshots! With your permission of course ;)


Introducing the PrimeScapes Landscape Icon Pack!

The pack contains over 300 icons, constantly being updated per your requests!

PrimeScapes Icons have been designed at a high resolution, and will display beautifully on any size screen, including XXHDPI, XHDPI, HDPI, MDPI, and LDPI.

Note that these icons will not apply automatically to just any launcher. To use them, you need to have a launcher with Icon Pack/Theme Support installed. PrimeScapes has been tested on Android 4.2 JellyBean (Nexus 4). They have been tested and confirmed working on the following Android Launchers:

>Nova Launcher

>Apex Launcher

>Go Launcher (Please don't use Go Launcher. I beg of you. Like seriously. Use ANY OTHER LAUNCHER.)

>Holo Launcher

>Next Launcher

>Action Launcher

>Any other launcher that supports icon packs from the listed launchers.

Note that unthemed icons will have their stock icon placed on a PrimeScapes Custom Background. Feel free to send me a request at the link above to get it themed with a custom icon in the next update!

Email me if you are having any problems!

Icons have been designed and developed by Casey Labatt-Simon. Thanks to the1dynasty for the open source template.

Download .apk

.'Ruined 'is set in a brothel in Uganda, is based on interviews Nottage and director Kate Whoriskey based did with Congolese women brutalized by military unrest victim, while 'Stark Stark 'is set to a bubbly, glamorous old Hollywood comedy in. It includes a clip from the film 'The Belle of New Orleans ', in which director Jo Bonney and their voices have a great time with the cinematic conventions of the 1930 years download PrimeScapes Landscape Icons free android app . 'Then she began to watch Oprah, 'Nottage says, 'and Oprah was her best friend, and in some ways, because she invited Oprah to her house, I was accepted I was never the inside of this woman home without seen seen '.

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