Aedict3 Japanese Dictionary
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An off-line english japanese dictionary which uses Jim Breen's JMDict (upgraded EDict)/KanjiDic2/WWWJDIC data along with data from the Tatoeba project. Does not require japanese keyboard. Internet access is used only to download the dictionary - the application itself works offline.
- allows kanji searching by radicals, SKIP code search and by kanji drawing
- omnibar allows search by kana, romaji and/or english, german, french...
- optionally shows romaji instead of hiragana/katakana.
- supports Hepburn, Nihon-Shiki and Kunrei-Shiki
- JLPT Quizes
- You can store entries in a notepad and practice with notepad quiz.
Aedict 3 needs to download the dictionaries which is cca 100mb download - please make sure that you are connected to the WIFI to avoid additional charges. Aedict 3 cannot use dictionaries used by Aedict 2.
Aedict 3 is based on Aedict 2.9 but introduces new Android 4 GUI. Aedict 3 works on Android 2.1 and greater.
Keywords: english french german dutch japanese dictionary kanji hiragana katakana learning tool offline Jim Breen JMDict Edict enamdic JMNEDict kanjipad jnlp
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