суббота, 31 мая 2014 г.

free Bomb Your Friends - Gold torrent download

Bomb Your Friends - Gold


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Bomb Your Friends is a fun app to use to annoy your friends! Send anywhere from 1 to 999 text messages to your friends without having to copy and paste it over and over again!

App features:

"One Word Per Text" - each word in the text message box gets sent as its own text message.

"Text Delay" - delay the time that it takes to send a text message, anywhere between 1 and 3 seconds (There is a built in 1 second delay between texts being sent to ensure that all of your texts are sent.)

WARNING: If you're phone is not rooted and not running a custom rom, you may receive an error after 30 messages has been saying that you are sending too many messages, and it will ask your permission to send. This will occur for every message after 30. There is nothing that I can do about it; this is an Android setting.

Onyxon Apps is not responsible for slowness of devices that are on the receiving end of being bombed.

keywords: text, text bomb, gold, parse, fun, entertainment, bomb, friends, bombing, onyxon

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