Cards & Casino
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Mississippi Stud is a casino poker like game. The game proceeds as follow:-
1. Player plays against the house dealer
2. Player makes ante wager.
3. Dealer gives each player two cards face down, and three community cards face down. Player may examine his own cards.
4. Player may fold or make a "3rd Street" bet, of one to three times the ante.
5. First community card is turned over.
6. Player may fold or make a "4th Street" bet, of one to three times the ante.
7. Second community card is turned over.
8. Player may fold or make a "5th Street" bet, of one to three times the ante.
9. Third community card is turned over.
10. Your two cards together with the three community cards form a poker hand.
11. Player wins or loses according to the strength of the poker hand and the following pay table.
Royal Flush
500 to 1
Straight Flush
100 to 1
Four of a Kind
40 to 1
Full House
10 to 1
6 to 1
4 to 1
Three of a Kind
3 to 1
Two Pairs
2 to 1
Pair of Jacks or Better
1 to 1
Pair of 6s thru 10s
All other
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