Speech Therapy for Apraxia
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The NACD Home Speech Therapist tablet app is a convenient, effective tool for children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech/dyspraxia. It can also be used for:
• adults with apraxia
• speech therapists working with individuals with apraxia
• parents working with children with apraxia
• traditional articulation practice
Developed by the National Association for Child Development team, including a certified speech-language pathologist, the Apraxia app provides choices of different phonemes to target and moves through a progression of levels that challenge motor planning for speech.
Working at the syllable level, it begins at the production of single syllables and progresses through increasingly difficult production sequences all the way to the production of sequences of random syllables.
** Features **
• Choose from 8 different consonant groups (for a total of 19 consonant sounds) to target.
• For each group, choose from 8 levels to practice
• Detailed instructions explain how to choose an appropriate consonant group and practice level.
• Move through a logical progression of 8 different levels for motor planning for speech.
• Illustrations and audio provided for each syllable.
• Option to repeat levels, reset, or move to next level.
• Can also be used for straight articulation drill for particular phonemes.
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A two-part talks about the live-action ' Akira ' Being PG-13It starts when when he asked, 'going to Akira[ rated] R to make, right? 'His reply: 'You'd think the first thing she said to me that their PG-13 for his, I said, okay I will also consider it as a challenge or obstacle. 'That is, instead of complaining, he goes to find out with the with the rating system, so they can be edgy and even PG-13 download Speech Therapy for Apraxia 1.0 free android app . Hughes references The Dark Knight and says there are 'subversive things 'he can do, so it feels like an R movie rating. 'I like challenges,'he adds. 'The one thing about Akira, the manga have for for a few years was the script. And it is a tough nut to crack, because there are so many serious issues. 'Which is hoped that it would have been now been cracked.
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