среда, 28 мая 2014 г.

download Handy Work Hours (full) APK

Handy Work Hours (full)


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Handy Work Hours (full version) will help you to create a log of you're working hours easily, and export it to a MS Excel table.


+Add new workday by simply clicking on the "Check In" and "Check Out" buttons as you entering and existing you're work place.

+Design the details you want to see (notes, day pay, total hours).

+Choose the work days list arrange order (ascending, descending).

+Export the whole month log into MS Excel file, and send it by email.

This app was tested on the following devices and OS:

Samsung Galaxy S(I9000) running 2.3.2

Samsung Galaxy SII(I9100) running 2.3.4

Samsung Galaxy Note (N7000) running 2.3.6

Samsung Galaxy W (I8150) running 2.3.6

LG E400 running 2.3.6 (A953)

Motorola MILESTONE 2 running 2.3

Sonny Ericsson x10 running 2.3.7

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

Please rank!

If bugs/errors found, or new feature required, please email me to HandyAppsCoder@gmail.com or slava.kamzen@gmail.com


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